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    If a party is unable to perform a contract due to force majeure , it shall timely notify the other party so as to mitigate the loss that may be caused to the other party, and shall provide proof of force majeure within a reasonable time.



    If a party cannot perform its obligations within the contractually agreed time limit owing to force majeure , it shall be relieved of the liability for delayed performance during the aftereffect of the event.



    The party which fails to perform wholly or in part its contractual obligations owing to force majeure shall promptly inform the other party so as to mitigate possible losses inflicted on the other party, and shall also provide a certificate issued by the relevant agency within a reasonable period of time.



    If a party cannot perform an economic contract due to force majeure , it shall promptly notify the other party of the reason for its inability of performance or for its needs of a defered performance or partial performance of the economic contract.



    A party shall have the right to notify the other party that a contract is rescinded if all the obligations under the contract cannot be performed owing to force majeure ; or if the contractually agreed conditions for the rescission of the contract are present.



    A party concerned is unable to continue participating in the hearing due to causes of force majeure



    Where a party concerned has delayed past the time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules or that specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council due to force majeure ,



    Before expiry of the time limit, it may apply for a postponement of 30 days on account of force majeure or other justified reasons; whether or not the application shall be granted is up to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to decide.



    Where the time limit has been exceeded owing to force majeure or other legitimate grounds, the litigant may, within 10 days after the obstacle is removed, request an extension of the time limit



    If a party is prevented from performing all or part of its obligations owing to force majeure , it shall be relieved of all or part of its obligations.



    Article 266 Within the last six months of the limitation period if, on account of force majeure or other causes preventing the claims from being made, the limitation period shall be suspended.

    第二百六十六条 在时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,时效中止。


    Article 90 Either the carrier or the shipper may request the cancellation of the contract and neither shall be liable to the other if, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of the carrier or the shipper, the contract could not be performed prior to the ship’s sailing from its port of loading.

    第九十条 船舶在装货港开航前,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于承运人和托运人的原因致使合同不能履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责。


    Article 91 If, due to force majeure or any other causes not attributable to the fault of the carrier or the shipper, the ship could not discharge its goods at the port of destination as provided for in the contract of carriage, unless the contract provides otherwise, the Master shall be entitled to discharge the goods at a safe port or place near the port of destination and the contract of carriage shall be deemed to have been fulfilled.

    第九十一条 因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于承运人和托运人的原因致使船舶不能在合同约定的目的港卸货的,除合同另有约定外,船长有权将货物在目港邻近的安全港口或者地点卸载,视为已经履行合同。


    Article 39. In cases where the taxpayer fails to pay the duties within the specified period of time due to force majeure or under the circumstances where the State is adjusting its taxation policies, they may delay their payment of duties, subject to the approval by the Customs General Administration, with the longest delay of no more than 6 months.

    第三十九条 纳税义务人因不可抗力或者在国家税收政策调整的情形下,不能按期缴纳税款的,经海关总署批准,可以延期缴纳税款,但是最长不得超过6个月。


    [Article 16] Where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a Customs office, or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure , the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter to the nearby Customs without delay.

    第十六条 进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品,运输工具负责人应当立即报告附近海关。


    Article 13 If there occur heavy losses, the failure of a party to perform its obligations under the contract and the articles of association or force majeure , etc., the equity joint venture may terminate the contract through consultation and agreement by the parties, and subject to approval by the examination and approval authority and to registration with the States Competent Department of Industry and Commerce Administration.

    第十三条 合营企业如发生严重亏损、一方不履行合同和章程规定的义务、不可抗力等,经合营各方协商同意,报请审查批准机关批准,并向国家工商行政管理主管部门登记,可终止合同。


    Article 48 Whoever out of force majeure acts in contravention of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens and the present Rules may be exempted from penalties.

    第四十八条 由于不可抗拒的原因而违反《外国人入境出境管理法》及本实施细则的,可免于处罚。


    Article 58 A railway transport enterprise shall be liable to compensation for any personal injury or fatality due to traffic accident or other operational accident. It shall hold no liability for compensation for any personal injury or fatality due to force majeure or due to the fault of the aggrieved person oneself.



    Article 167 Neither of the parties shall be liable to the other if the collision is caused by force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party or if the cause thereof is left in doubt.

    第一百六十七条 船舶发生碰撞,是由于不可抗力或者其他不能归责于任何一方的原因或者无法查明的原因造成的,碰撞各方互相不负赔偿责任。


    Article 160 Where the object towed could not reach its destination due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, unless the towage contract provides otherwise, the tugowner may deliver the object towed to the tow party or its agent at a place near the destination or at a safe port or an anchorage chosen by the Master of the tug, and the contract of towage shall be deemed to have been fulfilled.

    第一百六十条 因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使被拖物不能拖至目的地的,除合同另有约定外,承拖方可以在目的地的邻近地点或者拖轮长选定的安全的港口或者锚泊地,将被拖物移交给被拖方或者其代理人,视为已经履行合同。


    Article 158 If before the commencement of the towage service, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, the towage contract could not be performed, either party may cancel the contract and neither shall be liable to the other. In such event, the towage price that had already been paid shall be returned to the tow party by the tugowner, unless otherwise agreed upon in the towage contract.

    第一百五十八条 起拖前,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使合同不能履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责任。除合同另有约外,拖航费已经支付的,承拖方应当退还给被拖方。


    Article 159 If after the commencement of the towage service, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, the towage contract could not be performed, either party may cancel the towage contract and neither shall be liable to the other.

    第一百五十九条 起拖后,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使合同不能继续履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责任。


    (2)if force majeure makes it impossible to perform the entire obligations under the economic contract; or



    In the case of the occurrence of force majeure or substantial changes to operating conditions which have a direct effect on the establishment of the company, a resolution not to establish the company may be made.



    …By registered mail of the inception and cessation of the force majeure within 15 days in each case enclosing a confirmation by the proper authorities or published information attesting the reality of the facts and accuracy of the data supplied



    If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization fails to observe the time limit prescribed by law due to force majeure or other special reasons, he or it may apply for an extent of the time limit within ten days after the obstacle is removed; the requested extent shall be decided by a people’s court.



    If either of the parties is prevented from execution the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure



    When, owing to force majeure , an inward or outward vessel or aircraft is forced to berth, land or jettison and discharge goods and articles at a place without a Customs establishment



    The Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure .



    If a taxpayer or tax withholding agent is unable to submit a tax return or a report on tax withheld or collected and handed over on behalf of others within the stipulated time limit due to force majeure , the period may be extended,


